Thank you Mike for helping to make me who I am

Created by David one year ago

Although it's tough for children to sometimes see their parents this way, to me my uncle mike was COOL.

He and Elaine always wore more fashionable clothes than (what my awkward teenage self thought as) my slightly embarrassing parents. They embraced life with a whole heart and, for me, a trip to see the Seaton Mays was a highlight of my year.

Mike played the uncle role well. He would sit with me and help me work through my latest prejudice or outrageous thoughts in a non judgmental and gentle way that helped me with perspective on the world. From gear grinding driving lessons to an introduction to drinking single malt whiskey he helped me navigate those delicate formative years to adulthood. I even remember dropping Mike's name as "the engineer who built the road on St Kilda" when I was working as a medical student in Benbecula. Mike's name was good enough to get me a ride on an army helicopter to the remote island!

As I matured I increasingly appreciated Mike's sense of humour, especially as a response to the absurdities of life. This too has helped to equip me with the resilience needed for life's modern (and sometimes not so modern) stressors.

I owe you a debt of gratitude Mike. I shall miss you
